Thursday, November 6, 2008

Comedians are ....FUCKED

Here is something I read from an article on

A dialogue between Larry King and Bill Maher.

"King: You recently issued one of your new rules decreeing that Obama must give comedians something to work with. Any suggestions?

Maher: No. It's very difficult. We have been spoiled, first with Bill Clinton and then George Bush. And here's a president now who -- he's not stupid. He's not angry. He's not a phony. He's not fat. He's not cheating on his wife.

Who needs a jerk like that around for the next four years? Come on.


But look, he's going to be the president and we're going to have to get over our nervousness about making fun of a black person. He's not a black person. He's the president."

I guess maybe someone might get lucky enough to get a glimpse of President Obama digging his nose and then they could all pretend that they found something justifiable enough to ridicule the status of his presidency.