I can't believe I didn't write anything for 1 whole month. A lot of things have happened in the past month. I went to the Busan International film festival, which is about a 6 hr drive from seoul ( I took the train 3 hrs), I went to a dance festival, Halloween just passed, and I went on a school retreat for 2 days and 1 night. I can't really get into details about each and every event I went to because that would require too much time to write. However one thing I can say is that the retreat was the highlight of the month, why? Because I got to see the principal and VP of my school get shitfaced.
I've been keeping myself occupied with many things. I started taking a Hanguel class last month, but I ended up dropping the class because there was a schedule conflict. At the same time, I am currently studying for my tefl certification online, so that pretty much takes up a lot of my time. I have a deadline and that is to pass the online test and get certified by the end of this month so I can get paid more. After I'm done with that, I have to start studying the for the LSAT. Yes...I know..I know...I've decided to go into Business law. When I take the test, if I get a good score, I'll go to law school next year, but if my score is not good then I'll delay or change my plan to something else. But I've made up my mind for now and business law is something I really want to pursue.
I can't believe 2 months passed already since I've been here. Time sure flies. I still get home sick every now and then. Lately, I really enjoy just staying at my studio and enjoying my alone time. My apartment is far from everyone else so if I want to hang out, I'll have to take the subway 30-60min away to get to where everyone else is at.
Anyways, I applied for a part-time position at a Korean Radio station last month and they contacted me back and told me that they want me to produce their show on the weekends. Only problem is, I sign a contract with my current employer and one of the terms state: no part-time job. I told TBS (the radio station) that I wanted to intern/volunteer there, but they said that I have to get paid. So now, the producer of the show will talk to my current employer and see if they can override that section of the contract. So we shall see how things will turn out, but I really hope I get to work there. I'll get to have my own radio show and be a co-producer for an international broadcasting station (how cool does that sound on my resume.).
Oh one other thing I want to add, when I'm done with my TEFL, I'm thinking about using my camcorder more often. I want to start a video blog or something, I miss making videos (it's a hobby). At the same time, I plan to take a salsa/tengo class, we shall see how much I still remember from high school.
Anyways I'll try to post some pic soon.