Monday, November 17, 2008

Catching up on a Saturday night.....

Okay let me try to transcribe a current event in my adventurous life in Korea from my memory into an intriguing summary of anecdote.

It was a Saturday afternoon. I took the subway to Koyoto to buy a card reader and met up with some friends later that evening. After fours years of not seeing each other, the irony of meeting up with my two long lost college buddies is something I find quite amusing. I find that life, is full of surprises.

All three of us lived in the same town back in the states and never once did we run in to each other. One day a friend aim me and our conversation goes something like this:

Fragilenotcheap: Sup Homie, where you been?

Thisbeadara: Who's this?

Fragilenotcheap: Guess who?

Thisbedara: Maria

Fragilenotcheap: Nope, I'm someone that goes to Hayward.

Thisbedara: Oh Nai?

Fragilenotcheap: Oh dang good guess. How you been buddy?

Thisbedara: I'm good, hey guess where I'm at right now? I moved...

Fragilenotcheap: Let me guess Korea.

Thisbdara: Oh dangggggggg wassup, good ass guess.

Fragilenotcheap: Oh shit you forreal? Me tooo!!!

And the conversation continues....

We were finally able to meet up on Saturday. Myself, along with Nai, Wendy, and another girl from SFSU went shopping at Costco. So the journey of the day continues. I met up with them at some station that is presumed to be 3 blocks away from Costco, according to the map. We walked awhile and still have yet to encounter a Costco. None of us speak Korean so I proposed an idea. I told them about a free translation line where they have volunteer translators working the phone line 24 hrs. I called the line and asked for a translator and proceed to hand the phone to a complete stranger. Before I realize that this isn't going to work and that this idea is far more difficult than I imagine it to be, the stranger called us a taxi. I'm like," okay, where is this taxi going to take us?" Luckily, everything went fine and our destination was reached.

So we did our shopping and I finally found the the pumpkin pie and avocado I've been craving for.

We all headed back to the subway and since there weren't any seats left, we occupied the senior's seat and yield when necessary. As we were speaking jubilantly and attempt to fill in the blanks from our four years of absence, an ajumma turned over to me and shushed me! Sorry! This is funniest thing in Korea so far, well aside from the time when the electronic toilet at my school attacked I will never forget that.

Here's a sign I saw in Costco. If you ask me, I'd say..please