-I was helping one of my 4th graders spell his name in English. As I leaned over to help him, he started feeling on my arm.
-When I was walking back home from school, some random middle school/ high school girl grabbed my boobs as we walked pass each other. Judging by her physical appearance, I'm think she's a special kid, therefore I didn't say anything, but I did give her a strange look.
-The past week, weird noises would come on the intercom in my apartment late at night. It sounded like old men's gibberish. It would come on around 1 am. I really wanted to go downstairs and tell those old farts (the security guys) to stop getting wasted and disturbing other people's sleep, but I didn't cause I would of had to look up the words in Korean. It would have been too much work. Since I'm a light sleeper, I didn't get much sleep.
-And today, out of no where while I was just lying in bed watching TV, this absurdly loud alarm came on. At first I thought it was some stranger ringing my door bell again so I went downstairs to look at my security screen, but no one was at the door. I pushed the stop button and a few minutes later it started ringing again. I can't read any of the labels or instructions on how to use any of the electronic devices in my apartment nor can I ask for help, hence normally I'll try to figure it out myself or just ignore it. Most of the time I'll figure it out, but it takes time, otherwise I'll just ask my co teachers for help.